Well I got it in my bright spark of a mind that early Sunday morning would be a great time to do a roadtrip down to the northern border of New South Wales and grab some sunrise photos from the rocks at Fingal Head. Now these rocks are sort of special – I’ve never seen […]

Brads Cortina
Don’t be fooled by this cars small engine size; it’s had quite the tickle under the bonnet. Brads owned this car since it was passed down from his Dad quite a few years go. It’s since had a few modifications, the latest being an engine rebuild that Brad completed by himself. This included (not sure […]

Massive gathering!
A few weeks ago, I was invited to a gathering of photographers, models, MUAs and HSs. The place was a private property in Caungra, inland from the Gold Coast and an area that many motorcyclists enjoy stopping for a break during their day drives on weekends. I had a great time, and while I didn’t […]